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68) “And the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron when they drew near before the Lord and died. And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak unto Aaron your brother.’” It is written, “And the Lord spoke to Moses.” It seems redundant because afterward it is written, “And the Lord said to Moses.” We should therefore ask, “Why is it written, ‘And the Lord spoke to Moses’?” What did He tell him?
69) When the Creator gave the incense to Aaron, He wanted no other person to use it during his life. Because Aaron increased peace in the world, the Creator said to him, “You want to increase peace in the world; by you the peace above will multiply because henceforth, the incense will be given to you, and the incense increases peace above, and no other person will use it during your life.” Nadav and Avihu rushed, while their father was alive, to offer what was not given to them. This caused them to err in it, to offer foreign fire.
70) Moses was thinking, “Who caused them this error of offering foreign fire?” “And the Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron.” He said to him, “When they drew near before the Lord and died.” It is not written “When they offered,” but “When they drew near.” The Creator said to Moses, “This is what caused them, that they rushed the time of offering incense during their father’s life, and erred in it, offering foreign fire.
It is written, “And [they] offered a foreign fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them.” They erred in it because He did not command them to offer incense. He commanded only Aaron. And if the two sons of Aaron caused this to themselves by rushing the time during the life of their father, it is even more so with all the friends, who are not permitted to rush the time and say innovations in the Torah instead of their Rav.
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