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92) It is written, “My dove, in the clefts of the rock,” in the concealment of the degree. My dove is the Assembly of Israel, Malchut. As a dove never leaves her mate, the Assembly of Israel never leaves the Creator. “In the clefts of the rock” are disciples of the wise, who are not at rest in this world. As they hide themselves from their enemies in the clefts of the rocks, in the concealment of the degree, the humble disciples of the wise, who hide their degree from people, among whom are pious, who fear the Creator, from whom the Shechina never parts. Then the Creator demanded of the Assembly of Israel for them and said, “Let me see your looks; let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your looks are beautiful,” since no sound is heard above but the sound of those engaging in Torah.
93) The form of all those who engage in Torah at night is carved above before the Creator, and the Creator plays with them all day and looks at them. That voice rises and breaks through all the firmaments until it rises before the Creator. Then it is written, “For your voice is sweet and your looks are beautiful.” Now the Creator has carved the form of Rabbi Shimon above, and his voice rose the whole way up and was crowned with the holy crown [Keter] until the Creator is crowned with him in all the worlds, and He is praised by him. It is written about him, “And He said unto me: ‘You are My servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified.’”
94) It is written, “That which is has been already, and that which will be has already been.” “That which is has been already…” Before the Creator created this world, He created worlds and destroyed them. This is the breaking of the vessels. Finally, the Creator desired to create this world. He consulted with the Torah, the middle line. Then He was established in His corrections, crowned in His crowns, and created this world. And everything that is in this world was then before Him at the time of creation, and was established before Him.
95) All the leaders of the world in every generation stand before the Creator in their forms, before they come into the world. Even all the souls of people, before they come to the world, are engraved before Him in the firmament, in the very same form they have in this world. And all that they learn in this world, they know before they come into the world. All this is in those who are true righteous.
96) And all those who are not righteous in this world are removed from the Creator even there, above, before they come to the world. They enter the hole of the great abyss and hurry and descend to the world. And their soul is as obstinate in this world as it was before it came into the world.
Also, they throw that holy part that the Creator gave them from the Kedusha and wander and roam. They are defiled in that hole of the great abyss and take their share from there, hurrying to descend to the world. If one is later rewarded and repents before his Master, he takes his very own portion, the portion of Kedusha he had thrown above, as it is written, “That which is has been already, and that which will be has already been.”
This is so because when the souls are created, while they are still above, before they come into this world under time, they are in eternity, above time, where past, present, and future apply at once, as is the nature of eternity. It follows that all the deeds that the souls will do one at a time when they come into this world already exist there all at once. All those souls are carved before Him in the firmament in the very same form they have in this world, as their actions in this world. And everything they learn in this world, they know before they come into the world, since the whole Torah that they are destined to learn in this world during their lives is already there in its entirety.
And all those who are not righteous in this world, even there, above, before they come into the world, are removed from the Creator and all their bad deeds are already depicted in their souls. And as they will throw the part of Kedusha in this world, they will throw that holy part that the Creator had given them from Kedusha there, too. And if they are destined to sin and then repent in this world consecutively, it is depicted above at once, as is the nature of eternity. If he is rewarded later and repents before his Master, he takes his very own portion, for this, too, is already pictured there.
But there is a difference between a soul that is destined to be in a righteous and one that is destined to be in a wicked. The one that is destined to be in a righteous is already there in all its sanctity, and therefore has no desire to come into this world, to the filthy material body, unless by the decree of the Creator. But a soul that is destined to be in a wicked rushes to come and clothe in the filthy body, for she craves filth.
97) There was no one in Israel like the sons of Aaron, except for Moses and Aaron. They were called “the nobles of the children of Israel.” And because they erred before the holy king, they died. Did the Creator want to destroy them? After all, the Creator is merciful with everyone; He has no desire to destroy even the wicked in the world. And those true righteous, Nadav and Avihu, can it be that they were lost from the world? Where is their merit? Where is their ancestral merit? And where is Moses’ merit? So how were they lost?
98) But the Creator keeps their respect and their body burns within it, but their soul is not lost. Before the sons of Aaron died, it is written, “And Elazar, Aaron’s son, took him one of the daughters of Putiel for a wife; and she bore him Pinhas.” His name was called Pinhas because he was destined to correct the flaw of Nadav and Avihu, although Nadav and Avihu had not yet died, as it is written, “And that which will be has already been.”
99) All true righteous, before they come into this world, they are all established above and are called by names. Since the day the Creator created the world, Rabbi Shimon was ready before the Creator and was with Him, and the Creator called him by his name. Happy is he above and below. It is written about him, “Let your father and your mother be glad,” “Your father” being the Creator and “Your mother” being the Assembly of Israel.
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