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178) “Preserve my soul for I am a Hassid,” so I will be in Hesed with Aleph–Nun–Yod [Ani (me)], so I will unify and bring the Hesed from HaVaYaH, ZA, to Aleph–Nun–Yod, Malchut, of whom it was said, Aleph–Nun–Yod Vav–Hey–Vav [I and He]. Aleph–Nun–Yod [I] is Malchut, and Vav–Hey–Vav [and he] is ZA.
Woe to one who separates Aleph–Nun–Yod [I] from “he,” who separates ZA from Malchut, as it is written, “He has made us and not we.” He is ZA, since it is all one. I and he are one, without separation, as it is written, “See now that I am He; I will put to death and I will bring to life; I have crushed, and I will heal, and there is none who can save from My hand.” “I am the Lord,” “I am he,” and none other. This is the Aleph–Nun–Yod from ADNI, Aleph–Nun–Yod is ADNI, in which there are the letters Aleph–Nun–Yod. HaVaYaH is the middle line, ZA.
179) And because the name HaVaYaH, ZA, is to the right, Hesed, he said, “Preserve my soul, for I am a Hassid.” I will be in Hesed in You with Aleph–Nun–Yod, ADNI, Gevura, uniting HaVaYaH, Hesed, with ADNI, Gevura, and Hassadim will extend from HaVaYaH to ADNI, and she, too, is Hesed. In Tifferet, the middle line, the two names HaVaYaH ADNI connect and intertwine in this manner: YAHDONHY. The middle line connects Hesed, HaVaYaH, with the Gevura, ADNI.
The meaning of the matter in Hesed and Gevura is that they are the two lines right and left. It is written about them, “And their faces and wings are parted,” since their faces are HBD, and the two lines right and left, HB, are separated. Also, the two wings—two lines right and left—are different from one another, hence they are separated.
Tifferet, the middle line, is called “The Lord [HaVaYaH] is a man of war,” because He fights with the left line and diminishes it in order to unite it with the right, to be one. It is written about it, “two of every one joined one to another,” meaning that the two names HaVaYaH ADNI conjoin in him. This is why it is written, “And two covering their bodies,” meaning that the two wings connect in the body and become one. And Tifferet is called “body,” as it is written, “His body is as jasper.”
Likewise, in the two lines right and left in GAR, HB, are the two names HaVaYaH EKYEH. It is written about them, “And their faces and wings are parted.” They, too, connect and intertwine together through the middle line, Daat, and become interlaced in this manner, YAHDONHY.
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