Three Times Did David Become a Servant

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180) It is written, “My God, save Your servant.” “Delight the soul of Your servant.” “Give Your strength to Your servant.” Three times did David become a servant in this praise, corresponding to the three times that the authors of the Mishnah established that a man should be a servant in the prayer.

In the first blessings he should be as a servant who praises his teacher. In the middle ones he is as a servant who asks for a gift from his rav. In the last blessings, as a servant who thanks his rav for the present he has received from him, and he walks away.

181) These are three times that a man should make himself a servant in regard to the work. The authors of the Mishnah established that there is no work but prayer. Also, the three patriarchs are called servants on her part, after the Shechina, which is the work of the Creator. Likewise, Moses is called “a servant of the Creator.” And this is why it is written, “For unto Me the children of Israel are servants.”

But with respect to other qualities in her, all of Israel are the children of kings, with respect to the quality of Malchut in her. And why is Malchut called “work”? She is as a woman serving her husband, and as sons working for their fathers.

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