Levirate and Incarnation

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45) It is the Creator’s Mitzva in the Torah to be a levirate to his brother’s wife, to make a son to his brother, so he will not be lost from that world. It is similar to the issue of mixture [of wool and linen] in the Tzitzit. It was said, “That which I forbade you here, I permitted you here. I forbade you mixture everywhere; I permitted you mixture in the Tzitzit. I forbade you a brother’s wife; I permitted you a levirate woman.”

As one grafts apples or dates by kind, and it is forbidden to graft one kind with another kind. It is written about it, “For is the tree of the field a man.” Likewise, man is forbidden to mix one kind with another, which is incest. But with a levirate, one kind is grafted with another so as to not lose the soul of the dead and not let his name be blotted out from Israel.

46) This is the meaning of the incarnation. A wheel [Gilgul means both “incarnation” and “rolling” in Hebrew] does not move without the aqueduct that turns it. Likewise, the aqueduct is the letter Vav. Here is where the turning of the wheel takes place. Like a wheel that does not move without the aqueduct, here, too, the wheel is the letter Yod, and it does not move without the aqueduct, which is Vav.

A levirate is the letter Hey. The letters of Bina are Ben [son of] YodHey, since the son, ZA, emerges from the Zivug of YodHeyHB, hence he is implied in his mother’s name, “son of YodHey,” the letters of Bina [Ben YodHey]. He created the next world with the letter YodHochma, which is a long world, VavZA.

47) For this reason, one who does not have a son, corresponding to ZAVav, the next world, is not among those in the next world. The sea, Bina, the next world, corresponds to the Vav, since the Vav comes out from between YodHey, where Yod is Hochma and Hey is Bina, called “sea.” For this reason, Vav is also called “the next world,” like her.

Several streams divide from the sea, Bina, the Sefirot of VavZA, which circle the world, Malchut, until they return to the sea, Bina, from which the rivers, ZA, came out. It is written about it, “All the streams go to the sea, and the sea is not full. To the place where the streams go, there they go again,” until they return as they went out. As the streams came out of Bina, so they return to Bina.

48) It is the same with man’s soul. It is written, “And the spirit shall return to the God who gave her.” She will return to Him in wholeness, as He had given her. If she returns in repentance, which is upper Bina, the letters Ben YodHey, the letter Hey in her is doubled in the letter Yod in her: ten times five, which are fifty. Thus, she is Yam [fifty] in Gematria, the letters YodHey in BinaHey times Yod.

The letters of Ben in Bina is the stream that comes out of her, ZA, who divides into several streams, VAK, like a tree that expands into several branches. When a person repents, he clings to the stream, ZA, and returns with his streams to Bina, called “repentance,” as well as “sea,” as it is written, “All the streams go to the sea.”

49) If she does not return there as a complete soul, as she was complete at the time she was given, it is written about her, “There they return to go.” She and all the other souls like her, who are incomplete, return to this world to reincarnate.

It is likewise if he is not complete with a son or has no daughter, implied in this world, Malchut, by which to be completed in this world, Malchut, created with a Hey. It is written about it, “These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were created, meaning “He created them with Hey.” He must reincarnate because his soul is incomplete, and it is written about him, “There they return to go.”

50) YodVavHey de HaVaYaHHGT, are as it is written, “But God does all these twice and thrice with a man.” The souls come in an incarnation in three letters, YodHeyVav. It is written about the wicked, “Therefore, I have seen wicked buried, but they came.” That is, although they came in a reincarnation, they remained wicked, causing what is written, “These are your gods, O Israel,” blemishing the ELEHYodHeyVav. It is written about them, “For three transgressions of Israel, for four, I will not reverse it.”

This means that once they corrupted themselves three times in their incarnation and were not rewarded with being corrected in YodHeyVav, in which it is written, “Where the tree falls, there it shall be” [be is written as YodHeyVav]. The correction of the tree, man, is in YodHeyVav. Then “For four I will not reverse it.” This is the bottom Hey, the fourth letter of HaVaYaH, and He will not reverse it a fourth time in an incarnation that corresponds to her. Instead, they are sentenced in Hell in destruction, anger, and wrath.

51) The clothing of the three letters YodHeyVav are known in the rainbow, and they are white, red, and green. One who comes in an incarnation for the first time is white, corresponding to the Yod de HaVaYaHHesed. In the second time he is red, corresponding to Hey de HaVaYaHGevura, and in the third he is green, corresponding to Vav de HaVaYaHTifferet, Jacob, the middle line, which includes Hesed and Gevura.

And because the letters YodHeyHG, were included in Jacob, and the tree struck root, was planted, grew, and produced good fruit, it is written, “Not now shall Jacob be ashamed, nor shall his face turn pale now,” meaning that his Merkava will not be in the evil inclination, the serpent, and all kinds of bad animals. This is why it is written about him, “He wrestled with the angel and prevailed.”

And because man is called a “tree,” as with a tree planted in a place that does not bear fruit, it is uprooted and planted elsewhere. For this reason, a person is not considered sterile until he goes to the land of Israel and is planted there in a woman.

52) Likewise, a righteous who is cast from place to place, from house to house, it is as though he incarnated many times. He shows Hesed [mercy] to thousands, to those who love him, until he is rewarded with being whole in the next world. But the wicked are not brought in an incarnation more than three times. If he repents, the exile atones for the iniquity, the move from place to place is regarded for him as an incarnation, and he is completed in a righteous. This is why the righteous no longer return to their dust, meaning do not reincarnate.

53) The verse, “And he shall take other dust and shall plaster the house,” which implies the wicked, means that he will take in an incarnation another body that comes from the dust, and will correct the soul. It is also written, “Man shall return on dust,” meaning that he will return in an incarnation, and it is written, “The dust of the earth shall again be as it was.” It will return in an incarnation because the wicked is infected, and has nothing but an evil woman with him, the evil inclination, for an evil woman is leprosy to her husband, the body of the wicked. His correction is to drive her away and be cured, to drive away that body and incarnate, taking another body and healing.

The evil woman, the body, caused what is written, “And He drove out the man. “Man” is the soul. “The man” is the body, the mate of the man, the soul, as it is written, “As a bird that wanders from her nest, so a man wanders from his place.” Because the man caused the bird, the soul, to wander from her nest because of him. She was expelled from her high place due to his sins. For this reason, “So a man wanders from his place,” reincarnating.

54) This is why it is written, “The bird, too, has found a home, and the sparrow has a nest, where she may have her young.” “The bird, too, has found a home” is a levirate. The bird is the soul of the childless deceased. “Has found a home” means she has incarnated and came in the body of the levirate, which became her home. “And the sparrow has a nest,” means the redeemer, who marries her, meaning he has found a nest in the levirate. “Where she may have her young” are the son and daughter that they beget.

Happy is one who makes a nest, who marries his brother’s wife and redeems his brother’s goods. The levirate is sold to him because she is not his but his brother’s, hence she is called “his brother’s goods.”

55) This is why Moses said, “But the Lord was impregnated in me for your sake.” Here the meaning of Ibur [impregnation] is that Malchut was impregnated by the soul of Moses. Moses saved 600,000 souls of Israel several times, coming in an incarnation in several generations and saving them. For this reason, the Creator related everyone’s merit to Moses. This is also why we learn that a woman in Egypt gave birth to 600,000 in one time, which is Moses, who is equal to the 600,000 souls of Israel.

56) The manner is that those who know the secret say a gemstone to their disciples. If the disciples do not understand the intimation, they bring them this matter again in humor, as one who said that an egg dropped sixty volumes, since an egg came, having fallen from the bird that flew in the air, and struck these sixty volumes.

The jokers said that he did not say it, but that a man wrote on paper the words, “sixty volumes,” and an egg came, fell from the bird, and erased the words, “sixty volumes,” that were written. The authors of the Torah did not tell jokes or say idle words in the Torah.

57) Rather, they clarified, “Should you encounter a bird’s nest before you on the way, in any tree, or on the ground, or fledglings or eggs, send the mother away and take the children for yourself.” Fledglings are the authors of the Mishnah. Eggs are authors of the Bible. Fledglings are ZA, to whom the authors of the Mishnah grip. Eggs are Malchut, to whom the authors of the Bible grip.

He fell from that fallen one, ZA, who is called, “we shall fall,” and “able to fall,” since falling comes from him, like a bird from which an egg falls. “Falling comes from him” is the citron, whose measure is that of an egg. That is, an egg and a citron are Malchut, hence the measure of a citron is as that of an egg. It is written about it, “In that day I will raise the fallen hut of David,” which fell in exile and must be raised.

These sixty queens fell with her, her HGT NHY, each of which comprises ten. They are called “volumes” because they are tied to her [Kerachim means “volumes”; Keruchim means “tied”], from the words, “How does one tie the Shema?” Tying means connecting, so there is no cessation. Here, too, tying means her VAK, which are connected in her. They correspond to sixty tractates, since the oral Torah, Malchut, is divided into sixty tractates, which correspond to sixty queens.

“And maidens without number” are her virgins after her, her companions, the palaces in Beria, which are rules that are not counted because they are in Beria.

Interpretation: A bird, ZA, dropped an egg, dropped Malchut into exile, and sixty volumes were erased, since by the fall, her HGT NHY, called “sixty volumes,” were cancelled.

58) The fallen is Ben YodHeyZA, within the fifty gates of Bina, which are YodHey. When multiplying Yod with Hey, they are fifty. Vav is ZA, called “fallen,” for he fell after the one of whom it is written, “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning,” which is Malchut, who is called so after her two states: black and glorified. ZA fell after her, when she is in exile, in order to raise her. This is why he is called “fallen,” and not “fell” or “falling” because there is falling in him, meaning that it is not that he is falling, but rather Malchut has fallen from him, from heaven to earth.

There are YodVav in him, for ZA includes the letters YodVav de HaVaYaHHochma and ZA, and descends in them to raise the letters Hey de HaVaYaHBina and Malchut, of whom it is written, “And they both went.” It is as it is written, “You will surely send” [written in Hebrew with the word “send” twice, for emphasis]. The first “send” is from the first Temple, which was ruined, corresponding to the first Hey. The second “send” is from the second Temple, which was ruined, corresponding to the bottom Hey de HaVaYaH.

Yod Vav de HaVaYaH descended to raise those two letters Hey, as it is written at that time, “The heavens will be glad and the earth shall rejoice,” whose initials [in Hebrew] is YodHeyVavHey, since YodVav connected to the letters Hey.

59) The sun appears during the day and covers itself at night, and illuminates in 600,000 stars. So is Moses. After he passed away from the world, he returns and incarnates in 600,000 souls of Israel if the generation is worthy. This is the incarnation of which Ecclesiastes said, “A generation goes and a generation comes,” and there is no generation of less than 600,000, “and the earth forever stands,” which is the Assembly of Israel, Malchut, of which it is written, “The earth is My footstool,” as well as “And your seed will be as the dust of the earth.”

60) “A generation goes and a generation comes.” The generation that goes is the generation that comes. A lame went, a lame came; a blind went, a blind came. Sages also explained that Moses was destined to receive the Torah at the generation of the flood, but he did not receive it then because there were wicked, as it is written, “For he, too, is flesh.” “For he too” has the letters of Moses [in Hebrew], and it is read “For he too,” in order to cover the matter.

Ecclesiastes even removed the letter Bet from “For he, too” in order to cover the matter. He said, “I said that this, too, is vanity,” meaning that it too, is Moses, and he removed the Bet in order to conceal the matter.

61) Jethro is named after Keini because he parted from Cain. It is written about Cain, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord,” since Eve saw Jethro by the holy spirit, that his sons would sit at the Hall of Hewn Stones, at the Sanhedrin.

62) So was Rabbi Pedat, who was in a hurry because he had very little food from the eve of Sabbath to the eve of Sabbath, as it was for Rabbi Hanina. Why is it that afterward a voice came out and said, “The whole world is nourished only for my son, Hanina”?

63) But previously, in the first incarnation, he caused the destruction of KofBet from Yod, which is YodBetKof. Even so he had very little food. YodBetKof is an acronym for YichudBerachaKedusha [unification-blessing-holiness]. Yod is unification, EKYEHBina, from whom comes the springing for the letter Bet, which is blessing, the name HaVaYaHZA, holiness, and from him the Kof was sanctified, his Kedusha, the name ADNIMalchut.

In the first incarnation, Rabbi Pedat caused his portion—Kedusha and blessing—to be ruined, that the unification will not illuminate in them. Even so he had very little food. It is the same with Job. He was the son of a levirate, and for this reason he was punished for what had happened to him in the first incarnation.

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