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483) The Yod with which Pinhas was reward, when Pinhas is written in full, with a Yod, is because he was jealous for the covenant, and was rewarded with the covenant. The Yod that was added to him indicates the covenant.
There are two letters Yod: upper Yod from HaVaYaH, with which Abraham made a covenant between the ten fingers of the hands, and a small Vav, from ADNI, with which he made a covenant between the ten toes of the feet. It is a holy letter that is crowned in the upper Reshimo.
The token of the covenant comprises two things: circumcision and exposing, which mean removal of the foreskin and extension of the Mochin. This is the Yod with which Pinhas was rewarded.
This is why they are two letters Yod. For as there is the token of the covenant below, in Ateret Yesod, the middle line, there is the token of the covenant above, in GAR, in Daat, the middle line, in the Masach de Hirik in it, which diminishes the GAR of the left, which is circumcision. It unites the left with the right, and the Mochin de HBD appear, which are Yod–Hey, and this is the Periah [exposing, with the letters of Parah Yod–Hey (The Lord avenged/repaid)].
The upper Yod from HaVaYaH, with which Abraham made the covenant between the ten fingers of the hands, is the covenant of the tongue, Daat. It is so because the hands, HB, are as it is written, “Lift up your hands to the holiness.” The tongue is the Daat, the middle line, in which there is the Masach de Hirik, the token of the covenant. It is Yod de HaVaYaH, the upper Hochma.
The small Yod, from ADNI, with which he made a covenant between the toes of the feet, is Ateret Yesod, the middle line of the legs, which are NH. Through circumcision and exposure, the lower Hochma appears to Malchut in it. It is a holy letter that is crowned in the upper Reshimo, which is the Atara, crowned on the upper Yesod, on Yesod de ZA.
484) The small Yod is always inscribed, forever. It is inscribed in all the degrees of the Mochin, for without it no degree would become revealed. It is the letter of the Sabbath, the letter of Tefillin, the letter of good days, the letter of Shadai that is inscribed on the Mezuzot [pl. of Mezuzah] of your home and on your gates. It is the Yod of Shadai, and Israel will be inscribed in her in their straps, in a knot of the hand Tefillin, which is in the shape of a Yod.
In the covenant, the sons of the kingship, are written in her, the children of the palace of the holy king, Malchut, called “palace,” so they may receive the Mochin of the bottom Hochma that extend from Malchut, and it is granted by keeping the covenant.
In the engagement of Torah, they are inscribed in the upper letter Yod de HaVaYaH, which are rewarded with upper Hochma, who are the children of the upper king, as it is written, “You are the children of the Lord your God,” receiving from Yod de HaVaYaH de ZA.
485) The Yod of Shadai is the letter of the covenant, a ring in a chain on the demon’s neck, meaning the evil inclination, since Shadai has the letters of Shed and Yod [Shed means demon in Hebrew], who will not harm a person. David said about him, “Deliver my soul from the sword, my only one from the dog,” since the evil inclination is a serpent, a dog, a lion. David said about it, “He lurks in a hiding place as a lion in his lair.”
The prophet called it “a bear,” as it is written, “He is to me like a lurking bear, a lion in secret places.” It is compared to beasts, compared to all the prey animals, and it is compared to every person according to his iniquities, for according to the iniquity is one named “Lion” or “Bear,” etc.
486) The evil inclination is a dog, a serpent, and a braying donkey on which the soul is placed. As soon as it is known that that rider upon it is wicked, it is written about it, “And his rider falls backward,” as it is written, “for one who falls from it will fall.” This is why Job said, “I am not fallen [inferior] to you,” and the righteous who rides it ties it with a knot of the straps of the Tefillin. The token of the Tefillin, the Yod of Shadai, is a ring on its neck. The Shin of the Tefillin is the chain on its neck.
487) Elijah rode up to heaven with the evil inclination, as it is written, “And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven.” In it, “The Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,” and this is why we learn about the evil inclination, “Who is a hero? He who conquers his inclination.”
Some become a donkey to it, not afflicting its rider, and they are the ones who exert in all-the-more-so. This is why it was written in regard to Abraham, “And saddled his donkey,” and this is why it was written about the Messiah, “A poor man riding a donkey.”
The evil inclination receives its strength to harm and to deflect the man from the left line. Through his iniquities, the wicked increases the power of the left over the right, by which he falls to the authority of the evil inclination, which is called by many names, according to the substance of man’s sin. And one is called a lion or a bear, etc., by the kind of iniquity that makes a person sin.
The Yod of Shadai, the token of the covenant, is a ring in the chain of the demon’s neck. The evil inclination. It is the middle line, in which there is the Masach de Hirik that diminishes the GAR of the left, which are the whole power of the evil inclination. And a righteous who guards the covenant ties it so it cannot make him sin. This is similar to one who drops a ring off a chain on one’s neck and governs it. Also, the Shin [] in the Tefillin is a chain on his neck, indicating three lines.
The evil inclination is a dog, a serpent, and a braying donkey on which the soul is placed. It is so because the evil inclination is given to every person to conquer it under him and to ride it. If one conquers it, all the perfection comes through the evil inclination, as it is written, “With all your heart,” meaning with both your inclinations, the good inclination and the evil inclination.
It follows that if one is rewarded and rides over the evil inclination, he is rewarded with everything. Elijah rode the evil inclination and rose to the heaven, as it is written, ““And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven,” since the whirlwind is the evil inclination, which Elijah conquered and rode, and was rewarded with rising up to heaven.
It is also written, “And the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind,” since he was rewarded with conquering the whirlwind. This is why we learn about the evil inclination, “Who is a hero? He who conquers his inclination,” for if he conquers it, he is rewarded with the entire perfection.
But there are those who become its donkeys, who do not afflict their riders. One who is rewarded with conquering it partially, the evil inclination becomes a donkey on which to ride, and the evil inclination never afflicts it again. They re the ones who exert in all-the-more-so, who keep the light Mitzvot [commandments] as well as the serious ones, and then the evil inclination becomes a donkey to them, for Homer [matter/substance] has the letters of Hamor [donkey]. It is as written about Abraham, “And he saddled his donkey,” and this is why it is written about the Messiah, “a poor man riding a donkey,” for they have been rewarded with conquering the evil inclination until it became a donkey for them to ride, to bring them to the perfection.
488) For this reason, the Yod from Shadai, the token of the covenant, is a ring in a chain, the Masach in the middle line, from which all the demons and harm-doers fear because it diminishes the GAR of the left, which is their whole vitality. And as soon as they see the Yod of Shadai in the Mezuzot of the gates, they flee, since it is written in the Yod of Shadai to chain their kings with flickers, and their revered ones in iron chains.
And they certainly flee when they see it in the token of Tefillin on the arms, in the knot of the hand Tefillin. It is written about those who are inscribed in it in a token of the covenant in their flesh, “And the foreigner that draws near will be put to death.” That is, the evil inclination, called “foreigner,” will be put to death, as there is no foreigner but the evil inclination, who is similar to all the prey animals and birds.
489) This is why it is written, “Remember please who is the clean one who perished.” It is Pinhas, who was jealous over the covenant, since Naki [clean] has the letters of Kani [part of the word, Kineh (was jealous)], and it is inscribed in him that he was the son of the king and queen. When he was jealous in thought, he was rewarded with the letter Yod de HaVaYaH, upper Hochma, and became the king’s son. And when he was jealous of the act, he was rewarded with the letter Yod from ADNI, bottom Hochma, and became the queen’s son.
Hochma at the top of the combination YAHDONHY is Yod de HaVaYaH. Hochma at the end of the combination YAHDONHY is Yod of ADNI. And because Adam HaRishon was inscribed in these two letters Yod, he is the first in the thought and the last in the action, since HaVaYaH is thought and ADNI is action.
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