Three Participants: the Creator, His Father, and His Mother

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126) The Creator said, “I and My Shechina participate in the soul, and his father and mother participate in the body.” His father sows the whiteness in the newborn, the whiteness in the eyes, the bones, the tendons, and the brain. The woman gives the black in the eye, the hair, the flesh, and the skin. The heaven and earth and all their hosts also partook in man’s creation. The angels partook in him because from them come the good inclination and the evil inclination, from both of which man will be made. The sun and the moon partook in him to illuminate for him in the day and in the night. Animals, beasts, fowl, and fish partook in him—to be sustained by them. All the trees and the seeds of the earth partook in him, to sustain him.

127) What does the Creator do? He uproots his father and his mother from the Garden of Eden and brings them with Him, so they are with him in the joy of their sons. It is likewise at the time of redemption, as there is no joy as the joy of redemption, as it is written about it, “Let the heaven be glad, and let the earth rejoice; and let them say among the nations: ‘The Lord reigns.’ …Then shall all the trees of the wood sing for joy before the Lord, for He has come to judge the earth.” That is, at that time the Creator brings the fathers and mothers of Israel to be in their joy.

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