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45) “Goes to the south and turns to the north,” as it is written, “On His right was a fiery law.” “His right” is south, Hesed. “Fiery law” is north, Gevura. One is included in the other, which is why it is written, “Goes to the south and turns to the north.”
46) “Turning, turning goes the wind.” It should have written, “Turning, turning goes the sun.” What is “Goes the wind”? This wind is under the sun; it is called “the spirit of holiness [Ruach means both “wind” and “spirit”],” Malchut. This spirit, Malchut, goes and surrounds those two sides, south and north, the right line and the left line, to connect to the body, ZA, which is called “the sun.” This is why it is written “The wind,” with the definite article, indicating that it is the part of Israel, Malchut, who is a part of ZA, who is called Israel. Also, Israel below count by the moon, which is their portion, but she is together with ZA.
47) “And the wind returns to its circuits.” Its circuits are the patriarchs, the holy Merkava [structure/chariot]. They are three, and David—Ruach—is the fourth, who bonded with them. Thus, they are a complete and holy Merkava. It is written about David who rose and was included in the upper Merkava, “The stone which the builders rejected shall become the cornerstone.” The Ruach [spirit/wind] is Malchut.
When this Ruach ascends to HGT de ZA and bonds with them to be four legs to the upper Merkava to Bina, it is written about it, “And the wind returns to its circuits.” “Its circuits” are the patriarchs, the holy Merkava. They are three, HGT, which are called “patriarchs,” the three legs of the chair. It is written about them, “Its circuits,” with which the Ruach reunites to be the fourth leg to the Merkava, and David, Ruach, Malchut, is the fourth that has bonded with them. He bonded in HGT, who are called “Its circuits.” This is the meaning of what is written, “And the wind returns to its circuits.”
48) All of King Solomon’s words are hidden; they are all in Hochma [wisdom], and all are said in the very insides of the palace of holiness. People do not look at them, and see his words as the words of another person. Thus, what is the profit of King Solomon in his wisdom more than the rest of the people? Indeed, each and every word of King Solomon is hidden in wisdom.
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