A Bird’s Nest – 2

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787) A bird is the Shechina. The nest is the Temple, where the Shechina dwells. Israel are the fledglings on which the mother, the Shechina, sits. It is written about it, “And the mother [is] sitting on the young or on the eggs.” The young are the sages of the Mishnah, which fly by her commandments. The eggs are the sages of the Bible [Old Testament].

788) When Israel sinned and the Temple was ruined, it is written, “You shall certainly let the mother go,” meaning the Shechina, as it is written, “For your transgressions, your mother was sent away.” It is written about the sages of the six orders of the Mishnah, “But the young you may take for yourself.” These are six orders from the six sons, HGT NHY, below upper ImaBina. They are implied in the six words of the Shema reading [in Hebrew] or in the six orders of the Mishnah.

“One does much; one does little, as long as one aims one’s heart to heaven,” to unite Malchut with ZA, who is called “heaven.” She is tied with the knot of Tefillin on the head and on the hand.

Eggs are the sages of the Bible, light of Nefesh. The young are the sages of the Mishnah, the light of Ruach. They are still in Katnut. The sages of Kabbalah, the light of Gadlut, are called “sons.” However, there is VAK de Gadlut, such as the unification in the six words of the Shema reading, and those who departed from being regarded as fledglings, from VAK without a Rosh, but have not yet become actual sons, but only in VAK de Gadlut, yet are missing GAR de Gadlut, they, too, are called “sons.”

It is written about the sages of the six orders of the Mishnah, “But the young you may take for yourself,” being the six orders from the six sons, HGT NHY, under upper ImaVAK de Gadlut, on whom upper Ima is already present, but only from VAK. These VAK de Gadlut extend to ZA in the six words of the Shema reading, as well as in the six orders of Mishnah.

It follows that there are two discernments in the sages of the Mishnah: Ruach, which is Katnut, or VAK de Gadlut. It was said about them, “One does much,” which is VAK de Gadlut, “and one does little,” which is the light of Ruach, “as long as one aims one’s heart to heaven,” to unite Malchut with ZA.

789) With what are the sons—who are VAK de Gadlut—taken? With several tweets of the sounds of the Shema reading, where in the unification of the Shema reading one extends VAK de Gadlut. Afterward, the prayer is whispered in a whisper during the standing prayer, toward the mother, Bina, to extend the GAR de Gadlut, and to the daughter, Malchut. These are the HeyHey, since Ima is the first Hey de HaVaYaH, and the daughter is the bottom Hey. They descend to VavZA, in his knot, which is Yod de HaVaYaHHochma.

And the first HeyBina, is on the VavZA, the Tefillin on his head, the Mochin de GAR. And the bottom HeyMalchut descends to the Yod de HaVaYaH, who is the knot of the first Hey on the head of the Vav, where AbbaYod de HaVaYaH, established the daughter, MalchutZA is connected to her with the Hey in the weaker hand, the knot of the hand Tefillin, in a manner that the Yod de HaVaYaH is the knot of the head TefillinIma on the head of the Vav. She is the knot of the hand TefillinMalchut, in the weaker hand of ZA.

790) And because of it the fledglings are from the letter Vav, the light of Ruach, which include the six orders of Mishnah, HGT NHY.

Eggs are the sages of the Bible, the light of NefeshMalchut, the bottom Hey de HaVaYaH. It was said about them, “At age five to the Mikra [Bible],” which is Malchut, the letter Hey.

Sons are from Ben [son of] YodHeyZA, who has GAR from YodHey. Those are the sages of Kabbalah, of whom it is written, “You shall not take the mother with the young.”

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