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779) At that time the Creator extends the extension of seven degrees below in that degree, Malchut, who unites with them in those seven Sabbaths, which are HGT NHYM. But are they only six degrees HGT NHY and not more? After all, Malchut receives them and is not in the count.
However, at that time Ima, Bina, sits on the fledglings, HGT NHYM, and lays on them. Bina is sent away from them and those six sons, HGT NHY, are taken along with the degree below, Malchut, to keep the verse, “You shall certainly let the mother,” Bina, “go, and the young,” HGT NHYM, “you shall take for yourself.” For this reason, we extend seven Sabbaths, Malchut, too. And after we extended Malchut, too, we extend HGT NHY to include them in Malchut.
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