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19) The following Mitzva is to do to an intending witness, as it is written, “You shall do unto him as he had intended to do unto his brother.” If two false witnesses, SAM and the serpent, come to testify falsely against Israel, erring between Vav and Zayin, between ZA—HGT NHY—and Malchut—Zayin—meaning that they sinned and through their sin, they cause Vav, ZA, to move from Zayin, Malchut, which are the letters ZU [“this,” made of Zayin and Vav in Hebrew]. This is the meaning of “This [Zu] people which I formed for Myself, that they might tell of My praise,” implying to the nation that unites Zayin with Vav.
20) Vav unites with Zayin only during the burning of the leaven, burning the Klipot that cling between Vav and Zayin, between ZA and Malchut. And while it is permitted by the Torah to eat until the end of the sixth, the sages determined that we eat every four, hang every five, and burn at the beginning of the sixth. The sages of the Mishnah concluded from the evidence of the hours of leaven, that in the Torah there is burning after six, at the seventh hour, to the evidence of the examination of the testimony of the one who killed the soul, that seven inquiries are required, too. It is all explained in the Mishnah and is kept in SAM and the serpent, as it is written, “They dealt proudly against them,” the Egyptians were sentenced in the very thing that they contemplated sentencing Israel. This is the meaning of “You shall do unto him as he had intended to do.”
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