When Cain Killed Abel

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341) When Cain killed Abel he did not know how the soul would come out of him. He did not know that his actions would take Abel’s soul out of him and he would die. He bit him with his teeth like a serpent because he envied him for the additional Nukva, meaning that he wanted to extend the lights from above downward and disclose the fourth, missing Malchut from the Chazeh and below. But he did not know that by that Midat ha Din would prevail and the Zivug would stop from the Chazeh and above, as well, the vitality would depart from Abel and he would die. On the contrary, he thought that Abel would benefit from his actions, too, and this is why he bit him with his teeth like the primordial serpent and killed him.

It is so because everything that is extended is extended through the mouth. But what is extended in Kedusha is extended by the lips, the Masach in the Peh [mouth], Zivug of kissing, which extends the abundance from degree to degree. What is extended not in Kedusha, as the work of the primordial serpent, is extended by the teeth, where the correction of the Masach in the Kli of Malchut, called “lips,” is missing, and the abundance is drawn from above downward, which is regarded as biting. In this way the serpent brought death to the world.

It is known that Cain’s act was as the sin of the tree of knowledge, who also replaced the kiss with a bite, because he drew the abundance without a Masach from above downward, by which the soul of Abel departed. Thus, Cain bit him with his teeth like the primordial serpent, and thus killed him.

At the same time, the Creator cursed him, and he went in every direction in the world but found no place that would accept him. Finally, he beat himself on his head and repented before his Master, and then the earth accepted him in the bottom section. That is, his repentance was incomplete, for which our earth did not accept him.

342) The earth itself accepted him, so he could walk on it, as it is written, “And the Lord placed a sign for Cain,” meaning that the Creator accepted his repentance. This is why the earth accepted him once more.

Not only the bottom section accepted him because his repentance was incomplete. Rather, the earth accepted him below, in a section below it, because it is written, “But You have driven me out this day from the face of the earth.” That is, he was driven out from the earth, but he was not driven out from below the earth. Thus, the bottom section, below the earth, accepted him.

343) The earth accepted him in Arka, one of seven lands. It is written in Jeremiah about those who live there: “Will be lost from the earth and from under these heaven.” It is also written, “And he dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.” This refers to the bottom section, called Arka. It is also called Nod because the dwellers there have two heads that nod between darkness and light.

344) After Cain said, “My iniquity is unbearable,” when he confessed and repented, the Creator pardoned half the punishment for him, since He initially sentenced him and told him, “You will be a vagabond and a wanderer on the earth,” but now he remained only in Nod. This is why it is written, “And Cain went out from before the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod.” In other words, when he went out from before the Lord it was in order to be nodding in the land, and not wandering, since half the punishment was forgiven for him.

Although Cain’s sin was in Malchut of Midat ha Din that he disclosed, because Malchut and Bina have already been mitigated in one another, Bina was blemished by him, as well. This is why he was punished with being a “vagabond and a wanderer on the earth.” The wandering comes from the side of Malchut, and the nodding comes from the flaw in Bina. After he repented, the flaw from Malchut—the wandering—was forgiven for him, and he remained with the flaw in Bina, the nodding, since his repentance was not sufficiently complete.

345) When Cain went out from before the Creator, Adam said to him, “My son, what was done with your judgment?” Cain said to him, “Father, I have already been informed that the Creator has forgiven me to be only in Nod.” He asked him, how were you rewarded this? He replied, “It is because I repented and confessed before him.”

Adam said, “Is the power of repentance so great and strong and I did not know?” He began to praise his Master and confess before Him. He started and said, “A psalm, a song for the Sabbath day; it is good to thank the Lord,” meaning it is good to praise and repent, and confess before the Creator.

346) From the time Cain killed Abel, Adam was separated from his wife and two female spirits would come and mate with him. He begot spirits and demons that roam in the world. They are two because prostitutes are from the Klipot of the right, which is why they laugh. But in the end they torment and punish the man, which is considered left. This is why they were two: one from the Klipa of the right, and one from the Klipa of the left.

347) It is not difficult to understand it, since even when a person is dreaming, female spirits come and laugh with him. They become warmed by him, give birth, and these offspring are called “the afflictions of people.”

They do not turn into any form except for the form of people. They have no hair on their heads because those offspring are the Klipa of the right, and Se’arot [hair] come from the left. It is written about it in Solomon, “I will chasten him with the rod of people and with the afflictions of the children of men.”

Sometimes male spirits come to women in the world while they are dreaming. The women conceive from them and give birth to spirits. All of them are called “the afflictions of the children of men.”

348) After 130 years, the man clothed in envy and mated with his wife, and begot a son. He called him Seth. This concerns the suffixes of the letters in the connections of the twenty-two engraved letters, meaning the alphabet that joined directly, namely AlephBetGimelDaletHeyVav, and whose end is ShinTav. It comes to distinguish from other combinations of the AlephBet, where the letters ShinTav are not at their end.

The name Seth is the spirit that was lost, the spirit of Abel that clothed in a different body in the world, clothing in Seth. This is why he was named Seth, as it is written, “For God has Shat [appointed] me another seed instead of Abel.”

349) “And he begot in his own likeness, after his image.” That is, the other sons, Cain and Abel, were not in his image, and only Seth was in his likeness, after his own image, in the correction of the body and the correction of the soul, directly. The other sons were in Dvekut of the filth of the serpent, and of the one who rides it, which is SAM, and for this reason they were not in the likeness of Adam.

But was it not said that Abel was from the side of Kedusha and not from the serpent like Cain? So it is, but both were not in the shape of man below—there was no middle line in them, the form of man. Rather Abel was from the right side and Cain was from the left. This is why they were not in the image of man.

350) Abel was also incomplete. But it is written, “And the man knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain.” This applies to Eve. It is not written, “And he begot Cain.” Even regarding Abel it does not write, “And he begot,” which was related to Adam. Instead, it is written, “And she continued to deliver his brother, Abel.” Thus, even Abel was not in the likeness and image of Adam, and this is why it is not written about him, “And he begot.” But about Seth it is written, “And he begot in his own likeness, after his image,” which is attributed to Adam.

351) Adam parted from his wife for 130 years. During all those years he was begetting spirits and demons in the world from the force of the filth that was being drawn out of him. When all the filth was removed from him, he was envious of his wife once more and begot a son. Then it is written, “And he begot in his own likeness, after his image.”

352) Any person who walks to the left side and defiles his ways draws on himself all the spirits of Tuma’a, the spirit of Tuma’a becomes attached to him and does not leave him. The Dvekut of that spirit of Tuma’a is only to that person who drew it, and not to another because their Dvekut is only to the one who drew it, and not to another. It is so because their Dvekut is only to people who have clung to them. Happy are the righteous who walk by the straight path, and are true righteous, and their sons are righteous in the world. It is written about them, “For the upright shall dwell in the land.”

353) “And the sister of Tuval-Cain was Naamah.” What does the text tell us, that her name is Naamah? It is because sons of men lusted for her because of her great beauty and pleasantness. Even spirits and demons lusted for her. This is what the name Naamah indicates, from the word Ne’imut [pleasantness]. These sons of Elokim, Aza and Azael lusted for her, and because of that exaggeration she was called Naamah.

354) She was the mother of demons because she came from the side of Cain, from whom demons and spirits emerged. She was appointed, together with Lilit, over the death of infants by diabetes. Naamah was appointed to laugh with people in dreams, which is the right of the Klipot, and put infants to death, regarded as left.

She comes and laughs with people, and sometimes she gives birth from them to spirits in the world. Even now she is still in her role to laugh with people, but she collaborates with Lilit, and the death comes from the side of Lilit, and not from the side of Naamah.

355) These demons die as people, so why is Naamah still alive now? The demons die as people, but Lilit and Naamah, and Agrat, the daughter of Mahalat—who comes from their side—are all alive, until the Creator uproots the spirit of Tuma’a from the land, as it is written, “And I will remove the spirit of Tuma’a from the land.”

356) Woe to people who do not know, do not notice, do not look, and are all deaf [thick], and do not know how the world is full of odd creatures that are invisible and with hidden things. If the eye were permitted to see, people would be wondering how it is possible to exist in the world.

357) That Naamah is the mother of the demons. All those demons come from her side. They are warmed by people and receive the spirit of passion from them, laugh with them, and cause them to ejaculate. And because ejaculation comes from the spirit of Tuma’a, he must wash himself to be purified from it.

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