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561) “And you shall eat and be satisfied, and bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.” If in Israel one should bless, how do we know that one should bless abroad? Does that mean that there is no need to bless abroad? Indeed, when the Creator created the world, He divided the world: the settled place to one side, and the desolate place to the other side. He divided the settled place and turned the world around a single point, which is the holy land, since the holy land is the middle of the world, the middle of the holy land is Jerusalem, and the middle of Jerusalem is the house of the holy of holies. Also, all the good and nourishment of the entire settled place descends there from above, and there is not a place in the entire settled place that is not nourished from there.
562) He divided the desolate place, and there was no stronger ruin in the whole world than that thing, which Israel broke its power and might for 40 years, as it is written, “He led you through the great and terrible desert.” The Sitra Achra rules in the desert, and against its will, Israel walked on it and broke its might for 40 years. If Israel were righteous during those 40 years, they would remove the Sitra Achra from the world. And because they angered the Creator every time, the Sitra Achra grew strong and they all fell there under his authority.
563) But how did Moses, whose merit was higher than all the people in the world, die there? After all, Moses was not under the authority of the Sitra Achra but in the mountain of the Hebrews. There is a dispute about the Hebrews. It is from the words Avara [passed] and Zaam [rage], and the upper rulers above were disputed over it, for they wished to rule over the mountain but it was not given to another appointee and ruler, and remained so until Moses, the faithful servant, arrived and ruled over it. He was buried there, and the only one to engage in his burial was the Creator, as it is written, “And he buried him in the valley.”
564) Who buried him? It does not say who. Rather, it is the place of Divinity, who is called a “place.” Therefore, no one governed that mountain except for Moses, and he was buried there. And because all the other generations of the world knew that those dead of the desert would rise at the revival of the dead, the Creator placed the shepherd among them so they would all be at the awakening of the existence of the next world.
565) Therefore, since the desert is the power of the Sitra Achra, how did the Creator command that this goat would be sent to another mountain, which is called “Azazel”? Rather, they should have sent it to that mountain in which Israel walked in the desert, which is the place of the power of the Sitra Achra. Since Israel had already walked in it for 40 years, its power broke and increased in a place where no man has ever been. But the mountain in the desert in which Israel walked was Israel’s dwelling for 40 years.
566) But the place to which the goat is sent is a high and strong rock. Under the depth of the rock, where a man cannot enter, the Sitra Achra has more governance to eat his prey. Then he will move from Israel and will not slander them in the settled place.
567) The governance of faith is inside the middle point of the whole of the holy land, the house of the holy of holies. Even though now it does not exist, still, the whole world is nourished thanks to it, and food and provision come out from there to all, throughout the place of the settled world. For this reason, even though Israel are outside the holy land, still by the power and merit of the land, there is food and provision in the world. This is why it is written, “And bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.” Indeed, for the good land, for thanks to it there is food and provision in the world.
568) One who is refined at his table and delights in foods should remember and care for the sanctity of the holy land, and for the king’s palace that was ruined. Thanks to that sadness that he was saddened at his table there, within his joy and feasting, the Creator thinks of him as though he built His house, and built all those ruins of the Temple. Happy is he.
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