HaVaYot in the Middle

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678) The one year old lambs are named after the sun, the holy mother, Bina, of whom it was said, “The face of Moses as the face of the sun,” that he has GARPanim [face], from Bina, who is called “sun.” There are 365 days in a year, meaning with ten days from Rosh Hashanah [Hebrew New Year’s Eve] to Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement] they are 365, as the number of negative commandments [commandments to avoid certain acts]. He is a witness to the left, and he is upper Ima, the moon, Malchut, on the right, since the daughter is connected to Abba, who is Hesed to the right. Also, Malchut consists of 248 positive commandments [commandments to perform certain acts].

VavZA, is with Ima to the left, the 365 negative commandments. The daughter is with Abba to the right, Hesed, as it is written, “He has founded the earth in wisdom.” “In wisdom” [Hochma] is AbbaHochma of the right, which is Hesed. Earth is the daughter, Malchut. Thus, the daughter is connected to the father, and the son, ZA, to the mother, Tevuna, as it is written, “Establishing heaven in intelligence [Tevuna].” This is the combination of the name, YodHeyHeyVav, which is HaVaYot [pl. of HaVaYaH] in the middle.

Initially, it was said that seven lambs are seven Sefirot of the moon, and here it is said that they correspond to seven Sefirot of HochmaZA. The one year old sheep are named after the sun, the “holy mother,” after ZA, who is called “the light of the sun,” who receives from the holy mother.

With respect to the light of the left, which ZA receives from the holy mother, he is called “sun.” It was said about her, “the face of Moses,” ZA, “as the face of the sun,” for then, when he receives from Ima, his face is regarded as the light of the sun in its might. A year is the year of the sun, 365 days, as the count of the 365 negative commandments, the Mochin of the left. The Mochin are called Eden and are called Ed [witness]. The Mochin of the 365 days of the sun are a witness to the left, illumination of Hochma on the left, and he is upper Ima, which extend from upper Ima.

The seven one year old sheep that he offers correspond to the seven Sefirot de ZA, extending to him illumination of Hochma on the left of Ima. They are one year old from the 365 days of the sun, Mochin of the left of Ima. But the moon, Malchut, is connected to Mochin de AbbaHochma of the right, the light of Hassadim, since the Hochma itself in her is concealed once more and illuminates only in the light of Hesed, and Malchut comprises 248 positive commandments, which are Hesed.

It follows that through the offering of a new month, each receives what he needs, since ZA is initially Hassadim without Hochma, and therefore receives now through the offering, Hochma of the left from Ima. At its origin, Malchut is Hochma of the left, and lacks only Hassadim, and she receives Hassadim from upper Abba.

Therefore, VavZA, is with Ima to the left, receiving from Ima the Hochma of the left, which he lacks. The daughter is with AbbaHochma of the right, Hesed, which she lacks. This is the combination of the name, YodHeyHeyVav, where the bottom HeyMalchut, is after YodAbba, and the upper HeyIma is before VavZA.

The four portions of the Tefillin are HaVaYaH in its order. Yod is Kadesh [sanctify], the first Hey is “And it shall come to pass when [the Lord] brings you,” Vav is Shema [Hear], and the bottom Hey is “And it shall come to pass, if you listen.” However, with respect to the order of “Father established the daughter,” there are two portions in the middle that begin with HaVaYot, in the world, “And it shall come to pass.” These are “And it shall come to pass when [the Lord] brings you,” and “And it shall come to pass, if you listen,” since they are two letters Hey. “Sanctify,” Yod, is in the beginning, and “Hear,” Vav, is in the end, at the end of the YodHeyHeyVav.

679) And one he-goat, since it is written about two he-goats, “And he shall take the two goats, and set them before the Lord at the door of the tent of meeting. And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats: one lot for the Lord, and the other lot for Azazel.”

The goat to the Lord is atonement for the diminution of the moon. It is one goat for the Lord, for a sin offering. This is why it is written about it, “one,” since it is from the side of unification. But it is not written, “one,” about the goat to Azazel, nor a sacrifice, nor an offering by fire, nor a burnt offering. Rather, it is written, “and shall send him away by the hand of an appointed man into the desert.” The goat to Azazel is a bribe, to break SAM’s anger so he will not approach the Temple to slander him.

680) It is similar to a hungry dog. One who wants it to not bite him gives him meat or bread to eat and gives it water, as it is written, “If your enemy is hungry feed him bread.” By that, he becomes a lover of that person, and not only does he not bite him with several afflictions, but has turned into being his advocate and has become his lover.

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