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156) It is written, “And the name of the stricken man of Israel, who was struck.” It should have written, “And the name of the man of Israel who struck Pinhas,” and not “the stricken … who was struck.” This was said plainly, without mentioning the strike.
157) When the Creator raised Pinhas to being a high priest, He did not wish to mention the killing of a man in regard to Pinhas, for it is inappropriate for a high priest. Before He raised him to being a high priest, He mentioned him and said, “And Pinhas saw … and took a spear in his hand, and went after the man of Israel into the tent and stabbed them both, the man of Israel and the woman.”
When He raised him to being a high priest, his name was not mentioned in the killing because it is inappropriate for him. He protected the glory of the Creator, for it is inappropriate for a high priest to be mentioned in regard to a killing. And the name of the stricken woman was also said plainly, without mentioning who killed her, for the same reason.
158) Rabbi Shimon and Rabbi Yehuda were walking. Rabbi Pinhas son of Yair met them, and two men were driving donkeys behind him. Rabbi Pinhas’ donkey stood. They pricked it with a needle so it would go, and it did not go. Rabbi Pinhas said to the donkey drivers, “Leave it, for it smells the smell of a new face coming toward us, or that a miracle will be done to us.” While they were there, Rabbi Shimon went out from behind a rock. The donkey journeyed and went. Rabbi Pinhas said, “Did I not tell you it is smelling the smell of a new face?”
159) Rabbi Pinhas dismounted from his donkey and embraced Rabbi Shimon and wept. He told him, “In my dream, I saw the Shechina coming toward me and giving me great presents, and I delighted in it. Now what I dreamed has come true.” Rabbi Shimon said, “By the sound of the steps of your donkey I recognized that it was you. Now the joy is complete.” Rabbi Pinhas said, let us sit somewhere, for words of Torah require clarity.” They found a fountain of water and a tree and sat down.
160) Rabbi Pinhas said, “I was looking because for the revival of the dead, the Creator will make us in another way. What was now first to depart will be the last to be revived.” How do we know it? From those bones that the Creator revived through Ezekiel. In the beginning, it is written, “And the bones came together, bone to its bone,” and then it is written, “And I beheld, and, lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up,” and afterward, “And skin covered them from above; but there was no spirit in them.”
It is so because what the man stripped first will be the last. First, he was stripped from spirit, then the skin decayed, then the flesh, then the sinews, and then the bones. In the revival it is to the contrary: first the bones, then the sinews, then the flesh, and then the skin.
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