Two Fires

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155) There is no leper except for one who was made in menstruation, that his mother was conceived with him during her menstrual days. There are five bloods that defile in the blood of menstruation, and they are all impure blood, and there are five pure bloods, too. One who breaches them, it is as though he breached the ten commandments, which are the whole of the 613 Mitzvot.

156) The Klipa, who is called “a maidservant,” “the evil inclination,” is full of flaws. For this reason, “Any man in whom there is a flaw shall not come near.” Hence, the priest must not come near one who has a flaw in him, any flaw in the world, since it was said about the queen, Malchut, “You are all beautiful, my wife, and there is not a flaw in you.” Thus, one in whom there is a flaw must not come near her.

Similarly, a stranger should not come near her, “And the stranger who draws near shall be put to death.” This refers to a Mamzer [bastard], from the letters Mum [flaw] Zar [stranger], male and female of the Klipot. The flaw is the female and the stranger is the male.

For this reason, He commanded, “And you shall not approach a woman … during her menstrual impurity.” And it is written of those who did approach, Nadav and Avihu, “And they offered strange fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. And fire came out from before the Lord and consumed them and they died.”

157) In the offering of the letters, the unification of the letters of the Name, Yod is in a man, Hey is in a woman, which are AVIVav is in a son, a bridegroom, ZA, and Hey is in the bride, the Malchut. Happy is he who unites and brings closer the letters of HaVaYaH, in him and in his wife, corresponding to YodHey, and in his son and in his daughter corresponding to VavHey, in Kedusha [holiness], in blessing and in purity, in humbleness, and in shame, and in all the good qualities that are written by the authors of the Mishnah.

158) They warm by the holy fires of a man and a woman, YodHey, who are a fire that rises and falls, since the fire of the female rises from below upwards, and the fire of the male rises from above downwards. It is a holy fire of the wood of the altar-wood, which is wood of holiness, the holy organs. And a fire of the high one comes down, which is the holy of holies. For these two fires, the prophet said, “Glorify the Lord with lights,” which are the fires of Divinity, of whom it is written, “For the Lord your God is consuming fire.”

159) Those two fires are the upper fire, the throne of Rachamim [mercy] and the lower fire, the throne of Din [judgment], which are BinaRachamim—and MalchutDinMalchut is fire that rises from below upwards; Bina is fire that descends from above downwards. HaVaYaH is the middle pillar, Tifferet, who is held in both of them. For this reason, the upper fire is YodHeyVav. The YodHey is Bina, and the letter Vav is Tifferet, which is gripped to it. And the lower fire is the bottom HeyMalchut.

160) When Tifferet grips to both fires, Bina and MalchutHochma is on it, for the letters of Koach MA [ChafHetMemAleph] are in it [a combination that means “Power of MA” but also the letters of Hochma]. MAYodHeVavHe—is forty-five in Gematria. His ChafHet is the filling of the filling of HaVaYaH filled with AlephsYodVavDalet [Yod], VavAlephVav [Vav], DaletLamedTav [Dalet]. HeyAleph [He], AlephVavAlephVavHeyAleph [He], Aleph.

And with four letters, simple HaVaYaH without filling, they are forty-two together: four letters HaVaYaH without filling, and ten letters of HaVaYaH with filling, and twenty-eight letters of HaVaYaH with the filling of filling. All of these forty-two letters are in a man, in his wife, and in his children, which are the four letters HaVaYaH, which—with the filling and with the filling of filling—are forty-two letters. This is why one is incomplete without a son and a daughter.

161) And one who does not have a son, Vav de HaVaYaH, the Yod de HaVaYaH departs him. One who does not have a daughter, the bottom Hey de HaVaYaH, the first Hey, of his mate, departs him, since the letters are present only with each other. For this reason, in a man and a woman, son and daughter who were made properly, HaVaYaH is on them, and they are called “You are the children of the Lord your God.”

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